Barbara Van Lombeek (FR)
Mobile : +32 486 54 64 80
Gudrun Burie (NL)
Mobile : +32 498 10 10 01
Accreditation Request
In order to comply with the sanitary guidelines put in place since the reopening of the cinemas, and not to put into circulation an amount of tickets that is too large compared to the capacity of the various screening venues, we must temporarily suspend the accreditation requests.
Thank you for your understanding.
An accreditation is a pass strictly reserved for film professionals.
- An accreditation gives access to :
- the Opening ceremony
- the Closing ceremony
- the Opening ceremony of the Directors' week
- All films (as long as it’s not sold out)
Press releases & press kit
Visual documents

Archive 2018
Press releases - edition 2018
26 mars 2018
Claudia Cardinale est l’invitée d’honneur de la première édition du Brussels International Film Festival
14 mars 2018
Le Brussels International Film Festival s’empare de la capitale pour sa première édition.