Green planet (carte blanche to Bouli Lanners)
No future? Does the classic Punk slogan define what’s in store for our world? Bouli Lanners begs to differ and provides a wake-up call. In the face of climate changes and the dangers inherent in nuclear power, the actor-director from Liège presents four films that are meant to get us to react immediately. Animation, fiction, documentary and short, all genres are appropriate when it’s about saving our world.
25 June 2019 - 20:30
24 June 2019 - 18:30
Kona Fer Í Stríd
by Benedikt Erlingsson
2018 /
Iceland, France, Ukraine /
101' /
Icelandic –
25 June 2019 - 20:30
22 June 2019 - 15:30
22 June 2019 - 15:30
23 June 2019 - 17:00